CARDIAC CATHETER Is done to visualize the left side of the heart. It is an invasive procedure, needs consent, uses radio opaque dye. Doctor will obtain the consent. Nurses are just witnessing the signature.
The purpose is to look and blood supply of the heart if there are any anomalies.
The catheter is inserted in the femoral artery mostly but sometimes in the brachial all the way up into the heart passing through the abdominal and thoracic cavity. It is going to the artery. What artery is doing a whole lot? It loves to bleed.
In ER - If patient came in reporting of chest pain immediately hook up the cath. Don’t care if he is NPO or not. It is an emergency procedure now.
In NCLEX – NPO 6 hours before the procedure.
• Check for allergies (shellfish and seafood)
• Check medication allergies
• Check if on anticoagulant therapy. Heparin is usually stop 1 day before the Coumadin 5-7 days. But still up to the doctor.
• Check baseline ECG, lab work
• compare the result to the base line
• Keep the leg straight for 6-8 hours after the procedure
• Apply pressure to the site, remember it’s an artery
• Watch allergic reaction. Rationale: reaction occur later
• Patient on bed rest 6-8 hours and head of the bed flat. The most you can raise the bed is 30 degrees.
• Force fluids. Rationale: to get rid of the dye.
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