All of the B Vitamins are water soluble with exception of Vitamins B6 and B12.
VIT. B1 (Thiamine) is found in meat and meat products. Thiamine is found in pork, organ meat, beans legumes, cereal and nuts. It is essential for good neurological functioning. It is also important in respiratory cycle in the removal of carbon dioxide. If it is deficit it can cause : Beri-beri- it occurs due to starvation in peripheral nerve. A Patient becomes less sensitive of their peripheral part on their fingers and toes or can be hypersensitive or hyposensitive. It cause Edema and in sever cases it will lead to heart failure.
VITAMIN B2 (Riboflavin) is a more friendly vitamin. It is more friendly because it can be found in pretty everything that we eat. For example it is found in big Mac. So when you are teased by eating big mac you can make an excuse that you are needing Vitamin B2. Isn’t it great? This vitamin involve in energy metabolism. So if you have no energy or feeling slow you need this vitamins or vitamin B complex. If it is deficit you will have lip crack, white face and red lips in (child) she may look very cute with those red lips but it is already a manifestation of vitamin B2 insufficiency, eye lesions, or lots of sties. If you are nurse working in a nursing home if you observe that the residents are starting to have crack in their mouth or sties in their eyes, recommended to the doctor to prescribed vitamin B2 or B supplement.
VITAMIN B6 (Pyridoxine) is found in meat, vegetables and whole grains. It is very important in metabolisms of amino acid and glycogen.
Amino Acid – is a protein, a foundation or a building block of muscles, the protein molecule.
Glycogen - is the energy stored in the liver. 300 grams of glycogen stored in the liver. To understand this more here is a scenario. If you are running the first hour or 30 minutes your body is using all the sugars that is stored in your blood. Once it is already consumed the body will now use your glycogen that is stored in your liver. Then once it is dissipated it breaks to fats and so on. So, if you do not have Vitamin B6 your glycogen stored will never get replenished or never get replaced. If Vitamin B6 is deficit it can cause irritability and convulsions, muscle twisting, dermatitis and kidney stones. Have you ever experience being irritable when you are hungry? I guess you do because it spares no one.
VITAMIN B12 - is found in meat, eggs, and dairy products. Vitamin B complex is expensive because they are primarily found in meat. But only one found in legumes that is why Vitamin B problems are more prevalent on the third world country due to starvation. It is very important for the formation of maturation of RBC and synthesis of RNA and DNA. It very expensive both to get in to our body and it is very expensive if we loss it we can’t replicate. Our entire body changes every six months to one year. If we have no Vitamin B12 our cells will die and it can’t be replaced it will result to pernicious anemia and nuerological diseases.
There are two ways of being Vitamin B12 deficient. It is by not eating enough or lack of intrinsic factor. If there is no intrinsic factor, no matter how much you eat you won’t get it. You need to have a vitamin B12 shots for the rest of your life. * This is an NCLEX question.
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